Compaq Computer College has more than 5 years of experience in delivering quality education. Students are guaranteed qualified and experienced lecturers, and value for money in a conducive learning environment. The focus is on enhancing academic excellence through the discovery and pursuit of knowledge and on producing workers with sharp business acumen and creative skills.
Full time or part-time courses are of the highest quality and are designed to be directly relevant to the industry. You will find friendly, approachable staff (tutors and management) that welcomes students from all over Kenya.
- Diploma in Information Technology(Information Technology)
- Diploma in Music Production
- Diploma in Video Production
- Certificate in web design.
- Certificate in Computerized Secretarial
- Certificate in Computerized Graphic Designing(Graphic Design)
- Certificate in Closed circuit television systems (CCTV)
- Certificate in Computer Repair & Maintenance
- Certificate in Auto-CAD & Archi-CAD
- Certificate in Computer Repair and Maintenance (Computer Hardware and Software)
- Certificate in Computerized Accounting Packages
- Certificate in Computer Programming(Computer Programming)
- Certificate in Computer Packages.
- International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
- Computer Society of Kenya Computer certificate
SCHOOL OF BEAUTY (Diploma & Certificate)
- Cosmetology (combined Hair & Beauty)
- Beauty Therapy
- Hair Dressing
- Nail Technology